Call for Papers

Paper Submission: 20 Oct. 2024
Author Notification: 7 to 10 days
Journal Publication: 22 Dec. 2024

Information for Authors

Inter Journal Publications

The Inter Journal Publications (IJP) is a publication house that has been publishing scientific, original, contemporary, cutting edge, double blind peer reviewed research oriented article(s) in different journal(s) in the field of Engineering, Technology, Science, Management, Social Sciences, and Humanities since year 2021. All the journals of Inter Journal Publications (IJP), are online, open access, periodical international journals.

Author(s) can submit their articles, based on individual journal publication frequency, electronically online through the Article Submission System. The submitted article should be original, scientific, high quality, result oriented and within the scope of the journal that will publish in upcoming volume / issue if accepted. Author(s) will get notification along with review report if article is accepted by the reviewers.

The primary goal of the journal editors is to maintain high quality of publications. There will be a commitment to expediting the time taken for the publication of the article(s). The articles that are sent for reviews will have names of the authors deleted with a view towards enhancing the objectivity and fairness of the review process.

Articles that are devoted to the purely mathematical aspects without a discussion of the physical implications of the results or the consideration of specific examples are discouraged. Articles concerning Engineering, Technology, Science, Management Social Sciences, and Humanities should not be limited merely to a description and recording of observations but should contain theoretical and quantitative discussion of the results.

Article(s) for the regular issue can be submitted, based on individual journal publication frequency, electronically online through the Article Submission System. After the final acceptance of the article, based upon the detailed review process and submission of required documents, the article will be published online in a short time. However, The assignment of the article of specific Volume / Issue (see archive) will be taken up by the journal editors; and the author will be informed accordingly. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound special call for articles will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only.