Call for Papers

Paper Submission: 20 Oct. 2024
Author Notification: 7 to 10 days
Journal Publication: 22 Dec. 2024

Information for Authors

Security Guidelines (for all)

Authors, reviewers, and editors deal with submission files from people they don’t know on a daily basis, and there are some basic precautions that you will want to take to mitigate the possibility of being compromised via one of these files. These steps don’t differ from how you would deal with email or other daily life on the internet, but are worth outlining in general form here.

  • Make sure you have antivirus software installed, and that it is up to date
  • Make sure your operating system and all software (especially Word and Excel) are kept up to date, ideally by turning on any auto-update features available to you
  • Make sure you have a backup solution available for your work computers
  • Practice good password management: don’t use the same username/password in OJS, OMP, or OCS as you would for any other online account, and don’t use an easy to guess password
  • Treat everything that you get online with the knowledge that you received it from someone you don’t know, and act likewise. If a submission appears to be suspicious for any reason (strange email address, suspiciously generic title or abstract, etc.), treat the included files with an additional level of diligence.

Account Validation

All new user registrations are required to click on a link and validate their account before being able to log in. Any account not validated will be automatically deleted after 14 days.